
第01讲 考情分析
第02讲 Unit 1 The Power of Language Speaking Activity Making Suggestions
第03讲 Unit 1 The Power of Language Text A Critical Reading Text A Critical Reading①
第04讲 Text A Critical Reading Text A Critical Reading②
第05讲 Text B The Language of Confidence Text B The Language of Confidence&Tips for English Learning Building up Your Vocabulary (1) – Practice, Practice,Practice.
第06讲 Unit 2 Mistakes to Success Speaking Activity Giving Compliments
第07讲 Text A Spilt Milk Text A Spilt Milk①
第08讲 Text A Spilt Milk②
第09讲 Text B The Cake&Tips for English Learning Building up Your Vocabulary (2)- Use the Context
第10讲 Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty Speaking Activity Making, Accepting and Refusing an Invitation
第11讲 Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty TextA Reflections Friendship and Loyalty TextA Reflections Friendship and Loyalty①
第12讲 TextA Reflections Friendship and Loyalty②
第13讲 TextB A Tribute to the Dog&Tips for English Learning Building up Your Vocabulary (3) – Make Vocabulary Webs
第14讲 Unit 4 The Joy of Work Speakhg Activity Showing Concern&Text A Work Is a Blessing
第15讲 Unit 4 The Joy of WorkText B How to Start Your Own Business Text B How to Start Your Own Business①
第16讲 Text B How to Start Your Own Business②
第17讲 Text B How to Start Your Own Business Text B How to Start Your Own Business③
第18讲 Self-Assessment 1
第19讲 Unit5 Keeping Your Dreams Alive Speaking Activity Expressing Preferences
第20讲 Text A Life Is Difficult
第21讲 Text B Aegin Again & Tips for English Learning Improving Your Reading (1) – Use Skimming & Scanning
第22讲 Writing
第23讲 Unit 6 The Value of Money Speaking Activity Showing Agreement and Disagreement
第24讲 Text A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely①
第25讲 Text A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely②
第26讲 TextB The Importance of Money in Life
第27讲 Tips for English Learning Improving Your Reading (2) – Guess Word Meaning.
第28讲 Unit 7 Inner Voice Speaking Activity Showing Unpleasant Feelings
第29讲 Text A Your Inner Voice Text A Your Inner Voice①
第30讲 Text A Your Inner Voice②
第31讲 Text B Make a Good First Impression & Tips for English Learning Breaking Poor Reading Habits (1) – Do Not Read worct by Word
第32讲 Unit 8 The Great Minds Speaking Activity Showing Surprise
第33讲 Text A Life Without Limits Text A Life Without Limits①
第34讲 Text A Life Without Limits②
第35讲 TextB An Unwanted Baby, Steve Jobs & Tips for English Learning ireaking Poor Reading Habits (2) – Stop Subvocalization
第36讲 Self-Assessment 2
第37讲 Unit 9 Facing Life’s Challenges Speaking Activity Talking about Health
第38讲 Text A 300 Hurdles
第39讲 Text B A Violin with Three Strings&Tips for Engish Learning Breaking Poor Reading Habits (3) – Stop Regression
第40讲 Unit 10 Ode to Public Transport Speaking Activity Making Complaints
第41讲 Text A The Importance of Public Transportation
第42讲 Text B Personal Advantages of Taking Public Transportation&Tips for Engish Learning Improving Your Listening – Listen for Context & Key Words
第43讲 Unit 11 Cyber World Speaking Activity Talking about Personality
第44讲 Text A Cyberlove
第45讲 Text B The Impact of the Internet on Solety&Tips for Engish Learning Improving Your Writing (1) – Keep a Journal
第46讲 Unit 12 A Break from Life Speaking Activity Taking a Job Interview
第47讲 Text A Feeling Free
第48讲 Text B Self-Esteem and Body Image&Tips for English Leartung Improving Your Writing (2) – Achieve Sentence Variety &Self-Assessment 3

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