


Some internationals students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students’ Union to

1)extend your welcome and

2)provide some suggestions for their campus life here.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address(10 points)

Dear friends ,

I am very happy that you receive this letter. I am writing to eagerly express my deeply heartfelt welcome to our university.

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost,

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for you to learn some daily conversations in Chinese and know about some Chinese customs in advance so that you could communicate with the instructors and students smoothly .In addition,

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for you to learn some daily conversations in Chinese and know about some Chinese customs in advance so that you could communicate with the instructors and students smoothly .In addition, you’d better bring a laptop with you in order to finish the homework more conveniently.

I hope you will find the above proposals meaningful and I would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.

I hope you will find the above proposals meaningful and I would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.  Hope everything goes well!

Students’ Union

Li Ming

Dear friends ,

      I am very happy that you receive this letter . I am writing to eagerly express my deeply heartfelt welcome to our university.

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for you to learn some daily conversations in Chinese and know about some Chinese customs in advance so that you could communicate with the instructors and students smoothly. In addition, you’d better bring a laptop with you in order to finish the homework more conveniently.

I hope you will find the above proposals meaningful and I would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated. Hope everything goes well!

Students’ UnionLi Ming



Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve students’ physical condition.

You should include the details you think necessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Dear Mr. President,

      I am very happy/ glad that you receive this letter. I am writing to eagerly express my deeply heartfelt suggestions regarding

Dear Mr. President,

I am very happy/ glad that you receive this letter. I am writing to eagerly express my deeply heartfelt suggestions regarding the ways to improve student’s physical condition in your university.  

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost, I propose that

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost, I propose that we should take advantages of physical education classes on our campus, and not only educate students to realize the significance of the classes, but also to encourage students to take an active part in the classes.

In addition, we should                                           . For example,                                                  .  

In addition, we should we should attach importance to the role played by extra-curricular activates. For example, we could plan and organize a large number of ball games such as   football games, basketball games and so on.

I hope you will find the above proposals meaningful and I would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.  

                                                       Yours sincerely,

                                                          Li Ming

Dear Mr. President,

I am very happy/ glad that you receive this letter. I am writing to eagerly express my deeply heartfelt suggestions regarding the ways to improve student’s physical condition in your university.                         

I consider it is my duty except great enthusiasm that I propose several practical suggestions as follows. First and foremost, I propose that we should take advantages of physical education classes on our campus, and not only educate students to realize the significance of the classes, but also to encourage students to take an active part in the classes. In addition, we should we should attach importance to the role played by extra-curricular activates. For example, we could plan and organize a large number of such ball games as football games, basketball games and so on.

I hope you will find the above proposals meaningful and I would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.  

                                                       Yours sincerely,

                                                                   Li Ming


Directions: Suppose Li Ming, a student studying in your university , found a wallet the other day and returned it to the owner soon. In the name of the Students’ Union, write a letter about 100 words to praise Li Ming for his act.


Dear all ,


This letter is to praise Li Ming, a student from the Department of Computer Science, for his effort in looking for the owner of a lost wallet.

Yesterday, Li Ming found a wallet on a dining table in the No.1 canteen. Instead

of   or  ,he managed to                                                                  .

Yesterday, Li Ming found a wallet on a dining table in the No.1 canteen. Instead of ignoring it or even keeping it for himself, he managed to contact the owner via clues in the wallet and return it to her soon.

This is not the first time Li Ming has offered help to others. He has long been known to be a helpful person. On behalf of the wallet’ owner, we again express sincere gratitude to Li Ming for helping to save an essential personal item.

Dear all ,

This letter is to praise Li Ming, a student from the Department of Computer Science, for his effort in looking for the owner of a lost wallet.

Yesterday, Li Ming found a wallet on a dining table in the No.1 canteen. Instead of ignoring it or even keeping it for himself, he managed to contact the owner via clues in the wallet and return it to her soon.

This is not the first time Li Ming has offered help to others . He has long been known to be a helpful person. On behalf of the wallet’ owner, we again express sincere gratitude to Li Ming for helping to save an essential personal item.

                                                   Yours sincerely,

                                                   The Students’ Union


Your high school classmate, Li Ming , who is going to finish his study abroad , has written you an email for advice about job-hunting in China. Write him an email to

1、describe China’s labor market briefly, and

2、make two or three suggestions.

Dear Li Ming ,

Dear Li Ming ,

Firstly I must congratulate you on completing your overseas study . Secondly , I’d like to say it’s a good choice to come back .                                                                               .


Dear Li Ming ,

Firstly I must congratulate you on completing your overseas study . Secondly , I’d like to say it’s a good choice to come back . Many Chinese corporations are expanding abroad and there is a tremendous need for overseas graduates . The state is also making efforts to create a motivating and supportive environment .

                                                        , I have to remind you ,as more students return from abroad , you’ll be confronted with an intense competition . Therefore, I advise you to                                       . If possible ,                                      .  Besides,                                       . It’s advisable to                                      .                           

But on the other hand , I have to remind you ,as more students return from abroad , you’ll be confronted with an intense competition . Therefore, I advise you to make a career plan and check out various job postings in advance . If possible ,come back for recruitment fairs . Besides, don’t decline offers simply because of salaries and bonuses . It’s advisable to land a promising job soon and climb the career ladder step by step .

Hopefully my advice will be helpful and good luck with your job search.

Dear Li Ming,

Firstly I must congratulate you on completing your overseas study. Secondly , I’d like to say it’s a good choice to come back. Many Chinese corporations are expanding abroad and there is a tremendous need for overseas graduates. The state is also making efforts to create a motivating and supportive environment.

But on the other hand , I have to remind you ,as more students return from abroad , you’ll be confronted with an intense competition. Therefore, I advise you to make a career plan and check out various job postings in advance. If possible ,come back for recruitment fairs. Besides, don’t decline offers simply because of salaries and bonuses. It’s advisable to land a promising job soon and climb the career ladder step by step.

Hopefully my advice will be helpful and good luck with your job search.

                                                                      Yours ,

                                                                      Zhang Wei




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