


图表作文一般在题目中给出作文的标题和一个或几个统计 表格、圆形图、曲线图或条形图,有时还用英文或中文提纲的形式给出提示,要求我们:










①According to the table / pie chart / line graph / bar graph, we can see / conclude that…根据该表 / 图,我们可知……

②The table / graph reveals(shows / indicates / illustrates / represents / points out)that…该表 / 图表明……

③As we can see from the table…

As can be seen from the line / bar graph…

As is shown(illustrated / indicated)in the pie chart…

如表 / 图所示,……

饼状图 pie chart

As is vividly shown in the graph,

基础描述:the total … is divided into four parts, A makes up 34%, 51% stands for B, 9% refers to C, 6% is defined as D.

A over one third ; Nearly one tenth; over a half; The rest; respectively

【万能句式】The total … is divided into four parts, with A, B, C and D making up % % % and % respectively.

The total … is divided into four parts, with A and B making up % totally.


【万能句式】Isolated as the figures seem to be, as a matter of fact, they are connected to one another closely.










①Compared with…is still increased by…

②The number of…grew / rose from…to…

③An increase is shown in…;then came a sharp increase of…

④In…the number remains the same / drops to…

⑤There was a very slight(small / slow / gradual)rise / increase in 1990.

⑥There was a very steady(marked / sharp / rapid / sudden / dramatic)drop(decrease / decline / fall / reduction)in 1998 / compared with that of last year).

2、as much as 句式:


A car runs 10 times as fast as a bike runs.


A car runs 10 times as fast as a bike does.


A car runs 10 times as fast as does a bike.

3、more than句式

The population of China is bigger than the population of Japan.

The population of China is bigger than that  of Japan.



Zhaowei’s eyes are N times larger than Li Ronghao’s eyes.


As is shown in the chart, It tells us that population in city and country has many different changes occurred from 1990 to 2010. Take a closer look at the figures , we will find the number of urban citizens increased from around 300 million in 1990 to 666 million in 2010, while the number of rural residents dropped from 834 million in 1990 to 674 million in 2010.  

As is shown in the chart, It tells us that population in city and country has many different changes occurred from 1990 to 2010. Take a closer look at the figures , we will find the number of urban citizens increased from around 300 million in 1990 to 666 million in 2010, while the number of rural residents dropped from 834 million in 1990 to 674 million in 2010.  


the number of 主题1 increased from around 数字 in 起始年份 to 数字 in 结尾年份, while the number of 主题2 dropped from 数字 in 起始年份 to 数字 in 结尾年份。





The reasons may go as follows. First of all, after the reform and opening-up, the economy took off and thus hundreds of millions of people flooded into cities in search of better jobs and a brighter future.

The reasons may go as follows. First of all, after the reform and opening-up, the economy took off and thus hundreds of millions of people flooded into cities in search of better jobs and a brighter future. In addition, it has been a trend for the new generation from rural areas to stay in cities where they can get higher education, because rural residents lack enough opportunities to explore their potentials and realize their self-value.

The reasons may go as follows. First of all, after the reform and opening-up, the economy took off and thus hundreds of millions of people flooded into cities in search of better jobs and a brighter future. In addition, it has been a trend for the new generation from rural areas to stay in cities where they can get higher education, because rural residents lack enough opportunities to explore their potentials and realize their self-value. Last but not the least, the land left for individuals to farm is quite limited—some people have to leave their hometown to work elsewhere, especially in large cities.

Therefore, in my opinion ,such a tendency will still continue in the next decades. It ‘s high time to make a balanced development of the rural areas and the urban areas, so as to make our homeland a harmonious family.

This pie chart shows where the spending of residents in an unnamed city goes during the spring festival. According to the data given, the money spent on buying gifts for others takes a lion’s share, accounting for 40%. While dinner parties and transportation fares both take away 20% of the whole proportion.

As far as I am concerned, it is hardly surprising that gifts make up a significant portion of a person’s spending. Due to

As far as I am concerned, it is hardly surprising that gifts make up a significant portion of a person’s spending. Due to the great urbanization, most Chinese residents move from their hometowns to work in big cities. During the spring festival, nearly all people will return home to unite with their family. In order to cover the long distance, a large amount of money is spent on transportation. Buying new year gifts for their children, parents or relatives is an important part of the new year celebration.

In summary, Spring Festival is the most important occasion for all Chinese , so the top choice is always giving presents . Most of all , it conforms to the Chinese cultural belief of valuing interpersonal relationship.

This pie chart shows where the spending of residents in an unnamed city goes during the spring festival. According to the data given, the money spent on buying gifts for others takes a lion’s share, accounting for 40%. While dinner parties and transportation fares both take away 20% of the whole proportion.

As far as I am concerned, it is hardly surprising that gifts make up a significant portion of a person’s spending. Due to the great urbanization, most Chinese residents move from their hometowns to work in big cities. During the spring festival, nearly all people will return home to unite with their family. In order to cover the long distance, a large amount of money is spent on transportation. Buying new year gifts for their children, parents or relatives is an important part of the new year celebration.

In summary, Spring Festival is the most important occasion for all Chinese, so the top choice is always giving presents. Most of all , it conforms to the Chinese cultural belief of valuing interpersonal relationship.

As can be seen clearly from the chart above, dramatic changes took place in the cars market shares from 2008 to 2009 . The most dramatic change occurred in the market share of domestic car brands, which increased by nearly 10%, while Japan’s car market share decreased by about 10%. The percentage of the US cars remained stable in the same period.

Three reasons, in my opinion , can account for the changes in car market in these two years. In the first place,

Three reasons, in my opinion , can account for the changes in car market in these two years. In the first place,  with optimization of techniques in local companies, various brands of quality cars turn out and win the recognition of our own customers. Moreover,

Three reasons, in my opinion , can account for the changes in car market in these two years. In the first place,  with optimization of techniques in local companies, various brands of quality cars turn out and win the recognition of our own customers. Moreover, recent reports on Toyota brake loopholes affect customers’ mindset significantly, preventing some potential customers from making the final choice. Additionally,

Three reasons, in my opinion , can account for the changes in car market in these two years. In the first place, with optimization of techniques in local companies, various brands of quality cars turn out and win the recognition of our own customers. Moreover, recent reports on Toyota brake loopholes affect customers’ mindset significantly, preventing some potential customers from making the final choice. Additionally, the improvement of American cars’ performance must be attributed to the smart marketing strategy employed by American sellers . They launched a lot of marketing campaigns designed specially for Chinese markets, which won them applaud as well as profits .

In order to maintain the good momentum of development, on one hand , domestic cars should stick to their self-independent policy, and on the other hand, they should learn some experiences from Japanese car’s failures and Americans’ success.



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