
01.Unit 1 Foreign Language Learning Speaking Activity Starting a Conversation
02.TextA Learning a Foreign Language Learning a Foreign Language1
03.Learning a Foreign Language2
04.Text B Five Good Reasons to Lean a Foreign Language Five Good Reasons to Lean a Foreign Language1
05.Five Good Reasons to Lean a Foreign Language2
06.Unit 2 A Path to Follow Speaking Activity Showing Gratitute
07.TextA Cracked or PerfectWe Can Make a Difference!
08.Text B A Priceless Lesson in Humility
09.Unit 3 Green Transportation Speaking Activity Making an Apology
10.TextA Bus Chick’s Manifesto
11.Text B Bike to WorkReasons You Should Try
12.Unit 4 Friends and Friendship Speaking Activity Talking on the Phone Exposing
13.TextA The Greatest Gift
14.Text B The Colors of Friendship
15.Unit 5 Music and Leisure Speaking Activity Making an Appointment Making an Appointment
16.TextA Music as a Universal Language
17.Text B Why We Need Vacations
18.Unit 6 Life Lessions Speaking Activity Shopping
19.TextA Keep Your Dream
20.Text B Go for It!
21.Unit 7 Attitude is Altitude Speaking Activity Asking for and Giving Directions
22.TextA A Motivator
23.Text B Attitude Is Everything
24.Unit 8 The Mystery of Life Speaking Activity Making Requests
25.TextA Embracing the Mystery Embracing the Mystery1
26.Embracing the Mystery2
27.Text B Research Is a State of Mind
28.Unit 9 Making Every Minute Count Speaking Activity Asking for Information
29.TextA The Most Exciting Thing Ever The Most Exciting Thing Ever1
30.The Most Exciting Thing Ever2
31.Text B Keeper of the Spring
32.Unit 10 Meida–Blessing or Curse Speaking Activity Talking about Past Events
33.TextA Advertising to Children
34.Text B The Illusion of Perfection
35.Unit 11 Effective Communication Speaking Activity Talking about Future Events
36.TextA Active Listening
37.Text B Effective Communication
38.Unit 12 TechnologyA Double -Edged Sword Speaking Activity Closing a Conversation
39.TextA Privacy in Our High-Tech Society
40.Text B Worse Living Through Better Technology

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