













【例】The courage to confront the challenge and to make the rational choice, as the author of this cartoon tries to convey , really matters.

②The picture intends to remind us that 主题现象 plays a key role in common success of almost all sectors , 状语万能句尾。

【例】The picture intends to remind us that the quality of perseverance plays a key role in common success of almost all sectors , especially in this ever-changing modern society.

③The message high lightened by this drawing is that the down-to –earth spirit remains to be integral part in one’s fulfillment to his goals and ambition.

④The ability to 题干 at the critical moment , as the picture reflects, plays a pivotal role in individual success.

【例】2013 选择的重要性

The ability to make the rational choice at the critical moment , as the picture reflects, plays a pivotal role in individual success.

⑤The author of this drawing intends to underscore that 题干 makes the great contribution to one’s growth and success , while 题干的反面 may pose a serious threat to the possibility of success.

【例】2012 半瓶水

The author of this drawing intends to underscore that the positive mental state makes the great contribution to one’s growth and success , while the negative or pessimistic attitude may pose a serious threat to the mental health and the possibility of success.

⑥In addition , 主题 enables students to develop a balance between academic accomplishments and social development.




The idea that 不完善的现象 oversimplifies. The 待整改的正确现象,instead , as the picture above show, is part and parcel to one’s growth and success.

【例】The idea that the schooling is enough for the success of a child oversimplifies. The role model is the family education, instead , as the picture above show, is part and parcel to one’s growth and success.

②There is no doubt that it describes a common phenomenon in our society that 主题现象 are increasingly severe.

There is no doubt that it describes a common phenomenon in our society that traffic problems are increasingly severe.


The cartoon is warning us that the absence of 题干主题 is in large measure detrimental to our sound social development. The 题干主题, the steel forging our supporting structure, is declining, which is a really sorry state of affairs.


The cartoon is warning us that the absence of filial piety is in large measure detrimental to our sound social development. The filial respect, the steel forging our supporting structure, is declining, which is a really sorry state of affairs.

3 The cartoon demonstrates that we are under the threat of 不良社会现象 and the so-called , which is largely due to the lack of social morality.

The cartoon demonstrates that we are under the threat of serious environmental pollution and the so-called “rubbish crisis ”, which is largely man-made due to the lack of social morality or the conservative awareness.

 .Odd and funny as they sound , such 不良现象 can be seen and heard everywhere in our country.


①The picture shows that our daily life has been reshaped by the 题干新事物. We are enjoying the benefits brought by them , while suffering from the adverse effects caused by新事物的弊端。

【例】The picture shows that our daily life has been reshaped by the smart devices. We are enjoying the benefits brought by them, while suffering from the adverse effects caused by these so-called novelties ,with lack of communication being the most stark.

②What accounts for the change? For my perspective , at least three factors contribute to it ./ The difference between them can be attributed to diverse factors.\

What triggers this phenomenon? It is not difficult to put forward several factors responsible for this.

A multitude of factors may have led to the tendency revealed by the chart, but the following are the critical ones from my perspective.

③The impressive chart has revealed the duality of the relationship between man and 主题。


A was supposed to + 好使  in过去,it was hailed as 好东西。 Today they are better known for doing A doing B and doing C . ABC 是三件坏事。

【例】Social media were supposed to bring people together. Today they are better known for invading privacy,  spreading  propaganda and undermining democracy.  


①The drawings show that 传统文化内容, the core value of our traditional culture.

【例】The drawings show that the filial pretty , the core value of our traditional culture.


The vivid cartoon illustrate that the 题干is in the best interests of whole world , which will promote mutual understanding and strengthen friendly ties between different people and nations.

【例】2010 火锅

The vivid cartoon illustrate that the culture integration is in the best interests of whole world , which will promote mutual understanding and strengthen friendly ties between different people and nations.

③In an increasingly competitive job market , 主题 could no longer guarantee a decent job.

In an increasingly competitive job market , a good degree could no longer guarantee a decent job.

④Hence we can see, citizens mostly take … courses to improve skills and supplement their knowledge.

Hence we can see, citizens mostly take online courses to improve skills and supplement their knowledge.

⑤The objective of the drawer is to show us that utmost attention should be paid to 主题, which has exerted profound impact on the daily life of the average individuals.

The objective of the drawer is to show us that utmost attention should be paid to shopping online, which has exerted profound impact on the daily life of the average individuals.

⑥By drawing this cartoon, the author reminds us that due attention should be paid to the significance of 主题, an element which plays an important role in our study and life.

By drawing this cartoon, the author reminds us that due attention should be paid to the significance of innovation, an element which plays an important role in our study and life.


①The diagram shows us that 主题 is of great significance, yet the thought-provoking implications conveyed should be taken more carefully.

②With the development of industrialization, the environmental pollution is becoming increasingly severe, which deserves our attention.



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