



1、Artificial intelligence (AI) may well entrench bias and prejudice, threaten your job and shore up authoritarian rulers.5G is at the heart of the Sino-American trade war. Autonomous cars still do not work, but manage to kill people all the same.



2、Worries about screen time should be weighed against the much more substantial benefits of ubiquitous communication and the instant access to information and entertainment that smartphones make possible.


1、Practical abilities are the keys to modern success. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs did not help construct the first Apple computer without putting his thought into real. This practitioner used his education and his action to harness his ideas into international advances.


2、The success of …具体典型…., …同位语句式… ,serves as a shining and fitting example here.

例:The success of Steve Jobs , the late founder of Apple Company,serves as a shining and fitting example here.

3、Our society has been filled with a variety of examples of …主题…,with …具体典型…being the foremost.

例:Our society has been filled with a variety of examples of success brought by perseverance ,with Jack Ma being the foremost.

4、Obama, brilliant and noted black president in American history, made significant contribution to American’s advancement. It is obvious what makes him the first black president is owing to his strong belief, constant efforts and clear object.


5、Take Georgia Washington, one of the greatest founding fathers of the United States of America, as a case in point:to break away from the British Empire and build an independent country,he led the American War of Independence.

6、Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university degree . Her activism and writing proved inspirational . She wrote , “Character cannot be developed in ease . Only through experiences of sufferings can soul be strengthened , vision cleared , ambition inspired and success achieved .”

7、Among all touching facts relating to the importance of  …主题… that I have heard and noticed , the most impressive on is the legend of…具体典型….

例:Among all touching facts relating to the importance of being independent that I have heard and notice , the most impressive on is the legend of Huawei.



①A story about cherry-tree-chopping George, American Founding Father, who cut his father’s favorite tree, tells us that his not being afraid to tell the truth is more than a thousand trees to his father.


②According to the latest survey conducted by Consumer’s Association, in order to gain more interests, more farmers and food processors are using potentially hazardous production methods, such as unsafe sources of fertilizers and food additives.



①For example, kind-hearted helpers are more likely to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship, or help create a harmonious social climate, in which others will do their best to support you when you are in need of help.


Take Yao Ming as a case in point: his unbelievable performance comes not so much from his outstanding basketball skills as from perfect cooperation with his teammates.




A considerable number of teenagers worship their idols in a frantic way. Some stay up till the small hours to collect all the information about the stars or to argue bitterly with the fans of other stars who are competitors to their idols . Some play truant to fly to other cities just to attend a fan club activity while having to lie to their parents about their whereabouts. Some save, borrow, or even steal money to buy extremely pricey birthday gifts for their idols , which oftentimes are even very unlikely to reach the hands of these stars.



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