
Part B


The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list[A]-[G]and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs[D] and [G]have been correctly placed.Mark your answers on the ANSEWR SHEET.

(10 points)

[A] But too often patients receive drastic treatment in spite of their dying wishes—by default, when doctors do “everything possible” , as they have been trained to, without talking through people’s preferences or ensuring that the prognosis is clearly understood. Just a third of American patients with terminal cancer are asked about their goals at the end of life, for example ,whether they wish to attend a special event.

But too often patients receive drastic treatment in spite of their dying wishes—by default, when doctors do“everything possible”, as they have been trained to, without talking through people’s preferences or ensuring that the prognosis is clearly understood.


主干patients receive treatment

in spite of 让步状语



其中主语they,谓语have been trained

without 引导伴随状语

or连接两个并列宾语从句,一个是talking through…一个是is understood

But too often patients receive drastic treatment in spite of their dying wishes—by default, when doctors do“everything possible”, as they have been trained to, without talking through people’s preferences or ensuring that the prognosis is clearly understood.


[B] More palliative care is needed.This neglected branch of medicine deals with the relief of pain and other symptoms, such as breathlessness, as well as counselling for the terminally ill. Until recently it was often dismissed as barely medicine at all : mere tea and sympathy when all hope has gone. Even in Britain, where the hospice movement began, access to palliative care is patchy. Recent studies have shown how wrongheaded that is. Providing it earlier in the course of advanced cancer alongside the usual treatments turns out not only to reduce suffering, but to prolong life, too.

palliative [ˈpæliətɪv]   


The loan was a palliative, not a cure, for ever-increasing financial troubles


[C] Polls, including one carried out in four large countries by the Kaiser Family Foundation , an American think-tank, and The Economist, find that most people in good health hope that, when the time comes, they will die at home. And few, when asked about their hopes for their final days, say that their priority is to live as long as possible. Rather, they want to die free from pain, at peace, and surrounded by loved ones for whom they are not a burden.

Polls, including one carried out in four large countries by the Kaiser Family Foundation , an American think-tank, and The Economist, find that most people in good health hope that,when the time comes, they will die at home.



宾从主干为most people hope that





[D] Some deaths are unavoidably miserable. Not everyone will be in a condition to toast death’s imminence with champagne, as Anton Chekhov did. What people say they will want while they are well may change as the end nears. Dying at home is less appealing if all the medical kit is at the hospital. A treatment that is unbearable in the imagination can seem like the lesser of two evils when the alternative is death. Some patients will want to fight until all hope is lost.



In face of competition of our manufacture industry with world wide, the paper analyzes the necessary and imminence of innovation design.


[E] These changes should be part of a broad shift in the way health-care systems deal with serious illness. Much care for the chronically ill needs to move out of hospitals altogether. That would mean some health-care funding being diverted to social support. The financial incentives for doctors and hospitals need to change, too. They are typically paid by insurers and governments to do things to patients, not to try to prevent disease or to make patients comfortable.

Medicare, America’s public health scheme for the over-65s, has recently started paying doctors for in-depth conversations with terminally ill patients; other national health-care systems, and insurers, should follow. Cost is not an obstacle, since informed, engaged patients will be less likely to want pointless procedures. Fewer doctors may be sued, as poor communication is a common theme in malpractice claims.

[F] This newspaper has called for the legalization of doctor-assisted dying, so that mentally fit, terminally ill patients can be helped to end their lives if that is their wish. But the right to die is just one part of better care at the end of life. The evidence suggests that most people want this option, but that few would, in the end, choose to exercise it. To give people the death they say they want, medicine should take some simple steps.

[G] Most doctors enter medicine to help people delay death, not to talk about its inevitability. But talk they must. A good start would be the wider use of the‘’Serious Illness Conversation Guide“ drawn up by Atul Gawande, a surgeon and author.It is a short questionnaire designed to find out what terminally ill patients know about their condition and to understand what their goals are as the end nears. Early research suggests it encourages more, earlier conversations and reduces suffering.

41(   )—  D    —   42 (   )    — 43(   )—  44(   )—  G    —   45 (   )









[C] Polls, including one carried out in four large countries by the Kaiser Family Foundation , an American think-tank, and The Economist, find that most people in good health hope that,when the time comes, they will die at home. And few,when asked about their hopes for their final days, say that their priority is to live as long as possible. Rather, they want to die free from pain, at peace, and surrounded by loved ones for whom they are not a burden.


[D] Some deaths are unavoidably miserable.Not everyone will be in a condition to toast death’s imminence with champagne, as Anton Chekhov did. What people say they will want while they are well may change as the end nears. Dying at home is less appealing if all the medical kit is at the hospital. A treatment that is unbearable in the imagination can seem like the lesser of two evils when the alternative is death. Some patients will want to fight until all hope is lost.


[A] But too often patients receive drastic treatment in spite of their dying wishes—by default, when doctors do “everything possible” , as they have been trained to, without talking through people’s preferences or ensuring that the prognosis is clearly understood. Just a third of American patients with terminal cancer are asked about their goals at the end of life, for example, whether they wish to attend a special event.


[F] This newspaper has called for the legalization of doctor-assisted dying, so that mentally fit, terminally ill patients can be helped to end their lives if that is their wish. But the right to die is just one part of better care at the end of life. The evidence suggests that most people want this option, but that few would, in the end, choose to exercise it. To give people the death they say they want, medicine should take some simple steps.


[B] More palliative care is needed.This neglected branch of medicine deals with the relief of pain and other symptoms, such as breathlessness, as well as counselling for the terminally ill. Until recently it  was often dismissed as barely medicine at all : mere tea and sympathy when all hope has gone. Even in Britain, where the hospice movement began, access to palliative care is patchy. Recent studies have shown how wrongheaded that is. Providing it earlier in the course of advanced cancer alongside the usual treatments turns out not only to reduce suffering, but to prolong life, too.


[G] Most doctors enter medicine to help people delay death, not to talk about its inevitability. But talk they must. A good start would be the wider use of the ‘’Serious Illness Conversation Guide” drawn up by Atul Gawande, a surgeon and author. It is a short questionnaire designed to find out what terminally ill patients know about their condition and to understand what their goals are as the end nears. Early research suggests it encourages more, earlier conversations and reduces suffering.


[E] These changes should be part of a broad shift in the way health-care systems deal with serious illness. Much care for the chronically ill needs to move out of hospitals altogether. That would mean some health-care funding being diverted to social support. The financial incentives for doctors and hospitals need to change, too. They are typically paid by insurers and governments to do things to patients, not to try to prevent disease or to make patients comfortable.

Medicare, America’s public health scheme for the over-65s, has recently started paying doctors for in-depth conversations with terminally ill patients; other national health-care systems, and insurers, should follow. Cost is not an obstacle, since informed, engaged patients will be less likely to want pointless procedures. Fewer doctors may be sued, as poor communication is a common theme in malpractice claims.




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