

France on Sunday shrugged off the siren call of right-wing populism that enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom , rejecting anti-E.U. fire-brand Marin Le Pen and choosing as its next president Emmanuel Macron ,
a centrist political neophyte who has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent .

Shrug off 摆脱;不理睬

Siren call 塞壬之歌;海妖召唤(魅惑召唤)

Neophyte  [ˈniːəfaɪt] 新手

Flail v. 手脚乱动

France on Sunday shrugged off the siren call of right-wing populism that enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom , rejecting anti-E.U. fire-brand Marin Le Pen and choosing as its next president Emmanuel Macron , a centrist political neophyte who has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent .

分析:本句主干为France shrugged off the siren call of right-wing populism。为了说明右翼民粹主义的流行程度,其后紧跟着一个定语从句 that enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom 。 rejecting anti-E.U. fire-brand Marin Le Pen and choosing as its next president Emmanuel Macron为伴随状语,补充说明法国如何摆脱了民粹主义的诱惑。为了解释马克龙这个主角,句子又加入了同位语a centrist political neophyte who has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent .

France on Sunday shrugged off the siren call of right-wing populism that enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom , rejecting anti-E.U. fire-brand Marin Le Pen and choosing as its next president Emmanuel Macron , a centrist political neophyte who has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent .


But in an accompanying statement , Roberts noted the particular circumstance of the appeal , in which the Republican legislative leadership attempted to continue the appeal and the Democratic governor and attorney sought to abandon it .

网校解析: 这句话主干是But in an accompanying statement , Roberts noted the particular circumstance of the appeal 。in an accompanying statement是状语,表示大法官是在哪里提到了“特定环境”。Appeal后接非限定性定语从句,具体说明了appeal的内容。 in which the Republican legislative leadership attempted to continue the appeal and the Democratic governor and attorney sought to abandon it .这个从句中有两个并列分句。

But in an accompanying statement , Roberts noted the particular circumstance of the appeal , in which the Republican legislative leadership attempted to continue the appeal and the Democratic governor and attorney sought to abandon it .

翻译: 但在一份附加陈述中,罗伯茨提到上诉的特定环境,即共和党领导的立法机构试图继续上诉,而民主党州长和司法部长寻求放弃上诉。

You don’t have to be a feminist to recognise , as Austria did , that the numbers show how lowering income tax on second earners will encourage women to join the labour force, boosting growth and tax revenues .

分析句子为复合句,主干为You don’t have to be a feminist,to recognise引导的不定式作目的状语, that引导从句作recognise的宾语,该宾语从句中的主语为the numbers,谓语为show,宾语为how引导的从句,其主干为lowering income tax ,will encourage women to join the labour force, boosting为动词ing作伴随状语;as 引导状语从句,其主干为Austria did。


You don’t have to be a feminist to recognise , as Austria did , that the numbers show how lowering income tax on second earners will encourage women to join the labour force, boosting growth and tax revenues .


The whirlwind that swept through newsrooms harmed everybody, but much of the damage has been concentrated in areas where newspapers are least distinctive. (2011, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 2)

whirlwind [ w lw nd] adj. 旋风般的n. 旋风;旋风般的快速 行动

concentrate [ k nsentreit](v.)集中,聚集;浓缩;(on)全神贯注

distinctive [di sti ktiv](adj.)区别的;有特色的,独特的

The whirlwind that swept through newsrooms harmed everybody, but much of the damage has been concentrated in areas where newspapers are least distinctive. (2011, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 2)

分析:本句由两个分句组成,之间由but连接。第一个分句的主语为The whirlwind,后接that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词The whirlwind。定语从句1之后是第一个分句的谓语harmed ,而宾语是everybody。第二个分句的主语为much of the damage,谓语为has been concentrated,后接范围状语in areas说明concentrated的范围,而where引导的定语从句则修饰先行词areas,具体说明是哪些领域。

The whirlwind that swept through newsrooms harmed everybody, but much of the damage has been concentrated in areas where newspapers are least distinctive. (2011, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 2)


The Flatiron School,where people pay to learn programming,started as one of the many coding bootcamps that’s become popular for adults looking for a career change. (英语二,2016,T1)

主干:The Flatiron School started as one of the many coding bootcamps …熨斗学校最开始只是众多的编程训练营之一……

地点状从:where people pay to learn programming …人们花钱在这里学编程……

定语从句:… that’s become popular for adults looking for a career change……它变得很受寻求改变职业的成年人的欢迎



1、not so (as) much … as

①The conveniences that American desire reflect not so much a leisurely lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in which even minutes of time are too valuable to be wasted.


②Science moves forwards, they say , not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools .


2、Just as … as

①Just as virtue is its own reward, so is vice its own punishment .                                                                             


②Just as dark clouds cannot long hide the sun , so no lies can cover up the fact .


③Just it is mark of great minds to say many things in a few words , so it is the mark of little minds to use many words to say nothing .




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